
Monday, April 25, 2011

I Have Better Things to do Than Listen to You.

Oh, I have have been gone for a week! It totally feels like more since I last posted, but I haven't been away from the Gospels. When I am doing the S.O.A.P devotionals I actually write them out twice. Once in my Fancy journal I bought several years ago, when I wanted to start writing quotes and sayings and such  and never got past the first few pages of it. Second I type it out here to share with all the Blog Through the Gospel readers. Ok, so on with the S.O.A.P:

S} Matthew 21:32
For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him. (NIV) 
The people who were projected leas likely to follow Jesus were the ones that were willing to immediately drop/forget their past lives to believe. Whereas the "righteous" didn't want to believe what the savior had to say and ignored all the miracles. 
Sometimes we get too comfortable in our lives with everything we have and are able to do we don't want to step outside our comfort zone to follow God's plan, which will give us many treasures in heaven. The treasures on Earth are sometimes too intriguing to pas up. 
Dear Father, I am so lucky that you  are still forgiving me even after I fall way. I thank you for the continued forgiveness and the love that you shower upon me when I need it the most. Thank you for accepting the least of us into your kingdom and though we may have been raised with you in our home we can still be welcomed into your arms when we decide that our way is best.  Please forgive me for turning away and not following you because I was mesmerized by the treasures on Earth. Please  continue to open my mind and heart to follow your guidance. 

Thanks for stopping by and I will see you tomorrow.